Located at

271 Walton Street, Entrance F
Richardson TX 75081 US



2023 Men's Retreat registration open! 

Register online or by PDF - same price either way.

September 21-23 at Lake Brownwood Christian Retreat Center
"Is Reformation Theology Still Relevant Today?"

Keynote Speakers:
Rev. Russell Stockwell, Doug Skinner, Northway Christian Church in Dallas, and
Rev. Chris Wilson, Rush Creek Christian Church in Arlington

What to Bring to Lake Brownwood
Bed linens (twin bed sheets, sleeping bag, pillow and case), towels, personal toilet articles, Bible, checkbook, flashlight, informal clothes (no ties, dress shirts or suits, please), house shoes or flip flops, dominoes, playing cards, chess sets and any other game equipment.Link to the Christian Church in the Southwest Disciples

Men's site: