Located at

271 Walton Street, Entrance F
Richardson TX 75081 US



UDCC Mission

Feeding People:  Body, Mind, Spirit

The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion)

We celebrate the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) during our worship services. All who are followers of Jesus Christ are welcome to partake. The practice of Holy Communion has become the central element of worship within the Disciples tradition.

Disciples’ observance of the Lord’s Supper echoes the Passover feast, when Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the living Christ is met and received in the sharing of the bread and the cup, representative of the body and blood of Jesus. The presence of the living Lord is affirmed and He is proclaimed to be the dominant power in our lives. 


The meaning of baptism is grounded in God’s redemptive action in Christ. Just as the baptism represents the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it symbolizes the death and burial of the old self of the repentant believer, and the joyous birth of a brand new being in Christ. Baptism is a public act by which the church proclaims God’s grace, as revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, through the use of a visible sign of God’s gracious initiative and the human individual’s response in faith. With other Christians we affirm that baptism is at once a divine gift and a human response.  The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) practices baptism by immersion; however, we recognize and honor all forms

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord's Table as God has welcomed us.  --Disciples of Christ Statement of Identity  

For more information on the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), visit www.disciples.org 

Our Church History

From First Christian Church of Richardson and Western Heights Christian Church of Garland to United Disciples Christian Church:In 1901, First Christian Church was White Rock Christian Church (Church of Christ).  In 1908, they found a home at the corner of Greenville Avenue and Polk Street, and later became First Christian Church of Richardson in 1954. In 1958, about 40 First Christian Church members were commissioned to plant a new church, Community Christian Church, on the west side. The present UDCC education buildings and fellowship hall were dedicated in 1960.  Worship began in the new sanctuary in 1973. In 1983-84, Richardson East Church of Christ, the church from which FCC originally came, worshiped in our sanctuary. The Christian Life Center (CLC) was completed in 1986. Western Heights began in 1964 when the First Christian Church of Garland commissioned some of its members to establish a new Disciples congregation in North Garland. In early 2007, the members of Western Heights gifted their church building to the North Texas Area. That location now serves as the Western Heights Mission Center, housing the North Texas Area offices and a Hispanic Disciples congregation. Known as the Uniting Christian Church, the two congregations first worshiped together on October 7, 2007. In February 2008, the name officially became United Disciples Christian Church.