Located at

271 Walton Street, Entrance F
Richardson TX 75081 US




I believe we are living at a distinct time in history in a very special place on this beautiful planet. It is a blessing to be here with the loving, friendly people who worship, participate in activities, and do the ministry of Jesus at United Disciples Christian Church.

As we individually and communally seek a closer relationship with   Jesus, I trust that God has amazing things in store for those of us who are connected in ministry here at UDCC.

Being “Alive with the Spirit and the Love of God” is a great experience for many here at United Disciples Christian Church.  As we find ourselves “Feeding People: Body, Mind and Spirit”  through our worship, study, fellowship and service in Jesus’ name, we are growing in and through God’s grace on our journey through life toward our eventual eternal home.

Besides our personal relationship with our Creator through Jesus  our Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift in life is the privilege of sharing life with other people who are near and dear to us. Your church family are among those special people! Building relationships with one another is crucial if we are going to give and get the most out of being “church” at this time in our personal and congregational life. Staying connected with one  another is even more important at this time in the history of the world. Whether virtually or in-person, we are here for one another.

Together, we can grow in and through God’s grace.

Blessings, Pastor Gerald     

Rev. Dr. Gerald G. Demarest