Located at

271 Walton Street, Entrance F
Richardson TX 75081 US



UDCC Community Garden

2016/2017 UDCC Community Garden

2016/2017 Gardener’s Agreement


1. I agree to abide by all City of Richardson ordinances and policies, including those regarding the use of community gardens.

2. I understand that I will grow edible items and will donate 25% of my produce, based on weight or count, to a local food bank or those in charitable need.

3. I understand that pets are not allowed in the garden.

4. I will keep weeds pulled/hoed and maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot on a year round basis. I understand that I will be given notice when my plot is either unkempt or unsightly or is not in accordance with guidelines.

5. I will pick up any trash and litter generated from my plot and deposit in the appropriate location, either a trash can or compost bin.

6. Pesticides and/or herbicides are not recommended.  I will consult with the garden coordinator or the church about problems with weeds or pests, before proceeding with chemical treatments.

7. No water timers, soaker hoses, or irrigation systems are permitted. I will conserve water by mulching, watering mornings and evenings instead of afternoons, and not allowing the water to run unattended.

8. I will pick only my crops unless I have been given permission by the plot user to pick crops in his/her plot.

9. I will park in the designated area when tending to the community garden, not on the street.

10. I understand that United Disciples Christian Church and the City of Richardson are not responsible for my actions. I therefore agree to hold harmless those Entities for any liabilities, damages, losses or claims that occur in connection with the use of the community garden either by me or any of my guests.

11. I will contact United Disciples Christian Church at 972-235-3583 or udcc.office@gmail.com  if I decide I must abandon my garden plot.

12.  This year’s fee of $30 entitles me to a garden plot through July 31, 2017.  I agree to tend it and check on weeds weekly, or twice weekly during the growing season.  UDCC will provide weekly watering; I may volunteer to help with the task to make sure everyone’s plot is watered on schedule.


Name: __________________________________Address:_____________________________

Phone: ____________________       Email:_________________________________________

Date:   _____ / ____ /________